Symphony Of Fear: What Makes An Amazing Horror Soundtrack?

The spooky season is well upon us, and with scary movies dominating screens everywhere, we’re taking a moment to explore what it is that makes up the unmistakeable sound of a perfect horror soundtrack. _______________________ In this latest post on MusicThinkTank, Ellen Royce looks at the elements of a perfect…

Kanye West’s ‘MP’ Format and The Future Of The Album

While Kanye West has certainly had a knack for staying in the news of late, one item that didn’t see a lot of air time was the controversial hip hop figure’s popularization of the "Medium Play" or MP album format. Here we examine what the state of "Ye" means for…

Radio In The Time Of Streaming: Chartmetric’s RadioWave Top 300 Data

As streaming continues to establish itself as the dominant form of music consumption, we’re taking a look at the state of radio in 2018, and how American’s love affair with listening on the road has helped keep radio alive as a viable portion of the market. ________________________ Guest post by…

Radio’s Most Innovative: Austin City Limits Radio [INTERVIEW]

Exploring an innovative new partnership between Austin City Limits and KGSR/Austin, Jacobs Media sat down to chat with Emily Parker, the Program Director at newly created Austin City Limits Radio to discuss how the partnership came to be and where the station is headed. _______________________ Guest post by Fred Jacobs…

The Inconvenient Demographic Truth Of Radio

Fred Jacobs examines the reality of radio’s demographic challenge, it’s addiction to the 25-54 year old age bracket, and it’s need to capture the attention of Generation Z, which is already the largest generational group of them all. _______________________________ Guest post by Fred Jacobs of Jacobs Media Strategies Over the…

Music Copyright Law And The Consumer: Understanding The Basics

While copyright law is often covered from the perspective of musicians and labels, we don’t often look at it from the point of the consumer. Still, even as a casual consumer of music, copyright effects us, often in more ways than we might guess. __________________________ In this piece from MusicThinkTank,…

The Musician’s Delicate Balance: Unbridled Self-Expression vs. Listener Alienation

The motivation behind creating music varies wildly from artist to artist, with some doing so in hopes of fame and fortune, and others just because they feel like it. Here we look at how to strike the delicate balance between making music based solely on your own self-interest, and desperately…

How Teens Influence Music Industry Trends in 2018

While the constant connectedness of today’s youth has been well established, just what impact that has on the music industry is somewhat less well documented. One thing which is certain however is the popularity of music videos among the younger demographic, leading to what some are calling the ressurection of…

What Actually Happens To Our Brain When We Hear Our Favorite Song?

Music’s ability to impact our health and well being as humans has long been established. A new study has revealed exactly what happens when a person hears their favorite song, and how their brain responds. _______________________________ In this latest post from MusicThinkTank, Courtney Myers examines the science behind hearing your…

Broadcast Radio Targets Millennials With New Format

Although radio as a platform for discovering new music has been on the decline for some time, with little to offer millennials, a new format known as "Right Now Music Radio" is hoping it can change this and bring radio into the modern age. ___________________________ Guest post by Bobby Owsinski…