One Music Marketing Trick Every Artist MUST Avoid

Marketing your music is a complex challenge. What works for one listener or fan could fall flat with another, and artists will often jump through hoops and try all kinds of schemes as they fight against anonymity. While it’s good to try a variety of marketing tricks, there’s one every…

Music Piracy Continues To Dip Dramatically, But The Industry Is Loathe To Admit It Because It Ruins The Narrative [Op-Ed]

In this op-ed, Mike Masnick reveals how better-authorized services have, in contrast to increased legal enforcement, been incredibly effective at reducing online piracy, but that the music industry is choosing to ignore the numbers in favor of a different narrative. ____________________________________ Guest post by Mike Masnick of Techdirt This was…

How To Engage With Superfans Using Facebook, Instagram

As an increasing number of music fans head to social media channels like Instagram and Facebook, the platforms are offering an increasing number of services to artists to help them engage with their listeners. Here we provide some advice for how to utilize these features to the max. _____________________________ Guest…

How Does The Money Flow From Music Streaming To Artists, Music Industry?

Now accounting for 75% of total music industry revenue, there’s no denying that streaming is now the dominant form of music consumption. That said, one question continues to plague the industry: where is all that revenue going, and how can artists get their hands on it? Here, we breakdown step…

‘Stupid’ Propel’s Ashnikko To TikTok Superstardom

The channels through which artists rise to stardom are changing along with rest of the industry, as evidenced by rapper Ashnikko’s rapid ascension to stardom as a direct result of her popularity in the world of Tik Tok. _______________________ Guest post by James Shotwell of Haulix Fast-rising rapper Ashnikko has…

Beyond The Video: Fan Engagement On YouTube

While many artist’s focus on YouTube’s ability to deliver music and videos to their fans, the video sharing platform has a plethora of other offerings beyond this that can be invaluable resources for keeping your fanbase up to date on your activity, as well as gaining the attention of channels…

How To Begin Booking Your Own Local Gigs

Moving from creating music in your bedroom or garage to playing in front of live audience can seem like a massive leap to make, both emotionally and logistically, but is nonetheless an important step to take. Here we look at some important tips for artists looking to book a local…

It Bears Repeating: Why Repetition In Music Is A Good Thing

While on of the main complaints about satellite and broadcast radio is that the same songs get played over and over again, numbers suggest there’s a major disconnect between what people say they don’t want, and what they actually enjoy listening to, and that musical repetition is actually a good…

4 Steps Songwriters Should Take Now To Prepare For The Music Modernization Act

In 2018, the Music Modernization Act was passed into law. Hailed as a harbinger of justice, songwriters hoped the law would help restructure the digital music economy in such a way as to make things more equitable for artists. The reality is a bit more complicated, but change is coming,…

Data Metrics for Indie Musicians: What Role Do They Play?

Thanks to the ubiquity of social media and streaming, artists have been given new ways to reach their audiences at the literal click of a mouse. But these platforms offer artists more than just easy access to fans. Each one harbors a goldmine of data. _______________________________ Guest post by Carter…