Streaming Services Hold Key To Music’s Diversity [Op-Ed]

Johan Svanberg of indie distributor Record Union looks at the need for music streaming services to become more diverse and egalitarian; not only where gender and ethnicity are concerned, but also in terms of creation and ownership. The answer, he believes, is to make streaming platforms a more hospitable and…

How To Have A Long And Successful Career In Music

Making a career in the music industry is no easy task, (just getting people to listen to your music in the first place is hard enough), but developing a sustainable career is even harder. That said, it is doable with the right strategy. _____________________________ Guest post by Martina Sanchez The…

5 Things To Consider Before Going Into The Studio

Entering the recording studio can be fun and exciting. But it also involves investing blood, sweat and tears, as well as, of course, money. So it’s a good idea to make sure you’re ready before committing all that time and money. ____________________________ Guest post by Nicholas Rubright I love going…

Getting It Done: The Week In D.I.Y. and Indie Music

This week we provided DIY independent artists with helpful tips on investing in your music career, how to keep the cost of merch down without sacrificing quality, how artists can give back to fans this holiday season, and much more! 5 Unique Ways To Invest In Your Music Career How…

Music Think Tank Weekly Recap: Threatin • Therapy • Delicate Instruments • More

This week on MusicThinkTank, contributors explored the curious case of the largely artificial band Threatin, how music therapy can help with addiction recovery, the best way to responsibly store delicate instruments, and more! Aaron Bethune | Threatin: Fake News, Fake Fans, Fake Reality Adam Durnham | How Music Therapy Can…

5 Common Mistakes Made By Artists

As an artist striving for success, you’re doubtless putting in countless hours of blood, sweat, and tears, but even working as hard as you do, it’s easy to make career derailing mistakes. Here we look at five of the most common ones. ____________________________ Guest post by Angela Mastrogiacomo of the…

How Analytics Make All The Difference In A&R, Marketing

In this piece Chaz Jenkins explains why implementing a broader approach to analytics is key to an effective marketing strategy, and why only looking at past data simply doesn’t provide enough information. ____________________________ Guest post by Chaz Jenkins of ChartMetric On my first day in a new role a few…

Modern Touring: New School Tricks With Old School Hustle

Here we explore how both forward thinking entrepreneurial artists and music tech companies like Bandsintown are pushing the envelope on how they market themselves in order to launch successful tours. _____________________ Guest post from AWAL “I don’t like the VIP section. I prefer the mosh pit.” You won’t find Fabrice…

Spotify, Apple, Amazon Urged To Label Indie Music [Petition]

With almost almost 30% market share overall, independent music is a music industry force to be reckoned with. But that share falls to below 20% on the major streaming services. In a effort to rectify the inequity, digital distributor Record Union is leading a campaign urge Spotify. Apple Music, Amazon…

For The Young, Music Drives Social Media

It is perhaps unsurprising that music tends to occupy a larger part your life when you’re young. Knowing this, it correlates that social media used by a 13 to 24 demographic would, to a greater extent, be driven by music, as a new study recently revealed. ________________________ Guest post by…