CASH Music Upgrades FREE Monetization, Marketing Platform

Non-profit CASH Music has a simple mission: create and share at no cost, the digital tools that independent musicians need to survive and thrive in the new music business. This week they launched a major upgrade. ________________________________________ Following a major upgrade this week, the CASH Music free store now supports…

How Live Music Can Save Itself From Disruption [Cortney Harding]

While the live music market is strong and getting stronger, it may soon struggle, as increasing numbers of potential concert goers opt for a night in. It’s time that the music industry take steps to make live shows more enticing. _____________________________________ Guest post by music industry and music tech consultant…

Reaching Millennial Fans Using Old School Billboards At Music Festivals

How to market to millennial consumers is a great mystery for most main stream marketers. It turns out that one of the best ways to reach millennial music fans – particularly superfans – is a very old school form of advertising – billboards. ________________________________________ By Clyde Smith for Dash Two…

UPDATE: First Radiohead Erased Itself From The Internet, Then Flipped Fans The Bird, Now Their Streaming A New Single

UPDATED: Is this any way to promote a new release? Radiohead is once again using an unconventional approach in the apparent run up to the release of a new album. And if you need proof that it’s working, just remember that you’ve read this far. There’s more: ____________________________________________ UPDATE: Radiohead’s…

Guide To Integrating Video Into Your Music Marketing + Great Tips

As the popularity of video on platforms like Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram only continues to grow, it is becoming increasingly important for artists integrate video into their digital marketing campaigns. ______________________________ Guest Post by Joanna Noyes, Director, Interactive Marketing & Audience Development at The Orchard on The Daily Rind By…

Instagram Rules And Best Practices For Musicians

Instagram is an extremely important tool in any artist’s social media arsenal, provided it’s used effectively. Here we look at some solid Instagram practices to employ in order to get the best results from the platform. ________________________________________ By Katherine Forbes, author of Bandcamp – The E-Course I love Instagram and…

Maximize Your Social Media Music Promo Using This Simple Formula

As a creative artist, it’s unlikely you want to sink excessive amounts of time into social media marketing, meaning efficiency becomes key. This article covers how artists can diversify a single piece of content for application across a variety of platforms, thereby saving time and maximizing fan engagement. _______________________________ Guest…

If You Use Bandcamp Or Soundcloud, You MUST Tag Your Music

While many artists may forget or simply not bother adding tags to their music, tags are incredibly useful as far as making your music discoverable not only to fans, but also anyone else in the industry searching for music like yours. Here we look at some pointers for maximizing the…

10 Tips To Create And Grow A Snapchat Following For Musicians

In case you haven’t heard, Snapchat is taking off for the mainstream public. It is a great way to make personal contact and to receive instant feedback from your fans. This means that it’s prime time for musicians to start building their Snapchat following and learn how to use it…

How To Make Money From Your Music On YouTube

YouTube is undeniably a hugely important resource for artists when it comes to gaining exposure and engaging with fans, but rigging the service so that it actually brings in revenue is an entirely different matter. ____________________________ In this new post on MusicThinkTank, Jon Ostrow reveals the best way for artist…