The Unsung Heros Behind Songwriting’s Renaissance In The Digital Age [Thomas Scherer, EVP BMG]

2When it comes to making a song a success, one of the key players, the song plugger, is often forgotten, and although the role has certainly changed dramatically over the years as music has transitioned to a digital format, the role remains important.


In this new post on MusicThinkTankThomas Scherer, EVP US publishing and international writer services at BMG explains the role of the song plugger, and how the fit in with today’s modern music economy.

The Return Of The Song Plugger – The Unsung Heros Behind Songwriting’s Renaissance In The Digital Age  – MTT – Music Think Tank

“To understand the role of the song plugger within the music ecosystem, it’s necessary to go right back to the roots of the music business. Before high-quality recordings were widely available, department stores employed ‘song demonstrators’ to drive sales of sheet music to the public. While the modern plugger seems almost completely unrelated to this archaic profession, the core role is the same – getting songs heard by the right people to drive publishing revenue. “

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