How To Use Bandsintown To Reach Your Fans For Free

FreemusicAs the world’s most popular concert discovery app, Bandsintown delivers info on live shows to more than 100 million music fans each month. Impressive numbers, but the burning question is how do you reach your fans?

Fans “track” artists on Bandsintown much as they follow them on social media or by signing up to an email list. Assuming you’ve uploaded your tour dates to Bandsintown, those “trackers” will be automatically notified every time you play in or near their home city.

Unlike most streaming services and social media, Bandsintown also offers artists the opportunity to message their trackers at no cost – not just about tour dates, but about new releases, a merch sale or even the drummer’s birthday.

BaandsInTown Fist PngFree Geotargeted Posts To Fans

Just last week, Bandsintown made these free “post to trackers” even better by allowing messages to be geotargeted (sent to fans in a specific location). The feedback on this new feature from musicians, music marketers and fans has been nothing short of amazing.

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Learn how you can reach your fans for free using Bandsintown For Artists.

BTW – Obviously, the more Bandsintown trackers you have the more fans you can reach for free post to trackers.  Putting the Bandsintown tour date widget on your site is the with its free “track” button is a great way to gather more trackers as asking fans via social media to track you Bandsintown with a link to your tour date page or Artists page on Bandsinown.  

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