Facebook Gives Indie Musicians, Publishers March 12 Licensing Deadline

image from europeansummerschool.com[UPDATED] Facebook has finally created a system for musicians and rightsholders to get paid for use of their music on the social giant. But they’ve also set a March 12th deadline to participate directly via an exclusive deal with the Harry Fox Agency’s Rumblefish division.


image from daks2k3a4ib2z.cloudfront.net

Independent music publishers and self-published songwriters have until March 12th to opt in to a standardized direct music-licensing and administration deal with Facebook.

The social network has engaged HFA’s Rumblefish service to offer to publishers and songwriters the opportunity to enter into a direct license agreement with Facebook for Facebook, Instagram and Oculus.

The deal covers the reproduction of compositions in uploaded videos, stories and live videos across all three platforms, and is available to all publishers, including self-published DIY musicians who deliver title registrations to HFA prior to March 12th, shares Dae Brogan of TuneRegistry, which is offering its users a simple method of registering their tracks.

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