DistroKid Adds Lyrics Delivery, Shares Major Milestone

image from distrokid.com[UPDATED] DistroKid has added lyric delivery to its low cost digital music distribution service. The company is the first indie D.I.Y. distributor to offer the service, with iTunes and Apple Music at launch.

image from cdn-images-1.medium.com

“With the transition from CDs to streaming, what we’ve gained in convenience we’ve lost in immersion,” says DistroKid founder Phil Kaplan. “Lyrics, artwork, and CD booklets have taken a back seat to digital menus and skip buttons. DistroKid’s goal is to help our artists form stronger bonds with their listeners. One step toward this, is to help our artists get their lyrics into streaming apps.”

“the #1 biggest independent  DIY distributor in the world.”

In recent weeks DistroKid has taken to calling itself  “the #1 biggest independent  DIY distributor in the world.”  The claim comes after BuzzAngle released its annual ranking of distributors and Kaplan’s assertion that since Tuncecore is owned by Believe and CDBaby by an investment firm, they don’t qualify.  Whatever the ranking, distibution of tracks that netted 2.14 billion streams and 1.8 million project units  (album equivelents) in 2017 is a major milestone.

“I started DistroKid in 2013 after having been a TuneCore and CD Baby customer, Kaplan tells Hypebot. “I have a ton of respect for those companies; they were innovators and helped pave the way for what DistroKid does.  But after years on those platforms, I thought I could make something faster, cheaper, and better using modern technology and automation. 
“In many ways I look as DistroKid as more of a tech product – like Dropbox – and less like a music distributor. Our goal is to work great for artists and then get out of the way. So that artists can focus on their art,” he continues. “Our team is smaller than most other distributors. We’re only 8 people. We work hard for our artists and pour a lot of love into our product and customer service. We’re constantly amazed and extremely grateful at the love we get in return. DistroKid has a bunch of things launching in 2018 that we hope will continue to blow minds. “

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