‘I Instilled Fear in Others:’ How This Entrepreneur Confronted His Toxic Traits to Become a Better Communicator

This entrepreneur’s aggressive and combative communication style made him a victim of his own toxicity. Here’s what he learned.

Want to Be a Leader Like Tom Cruise? 4 Supersonic Leadership Lessons From ‘Top Gun: Maverick’

With so many rave reviews of Tom Cruise’s latest blockbuster, I found a number of relevant mindset approaches that will support you on the path to more confident leadership.

It’s Time to Overcome the 5 Common Obstacles Keeping You From Full-Time Entrepreneurship

After spending years helping people realize their professional dreams, I’ve identified key obstacles to entrepreneurial success, as well as ways of overcoming them.

Male Entrepreneurs Often Lead With ‘What Do You Do?’ Instead of These 7 Life- and Career-Altering Topics

In my experience coaching male CEOs, executives and entrepreneurs, amazing thingsĀ come from owning your true self and leading from a place of authenticity.