A2IM Declares June ‘Independent’s Month’ To Celebrate Indie Music

image from a2im.orgThe Association of Independent Music (A2IM) has declared June 5th through July 5th, Independents’ Month “to shine a spotlight on the labels and artists who blaze trails beyond the roads built by the gatekeepers of the music industry.”


Indepent's MonthMusic retailers, distributors, music streamers and media outlets are joining together to celebrate indie artists and labels with the inaugural Independents’ Month, running this June 5 to July 5. 

“There is a powerful individuality in the entrepreneurs that start and run independent labels, which matches the profound artistic rebellion in the artists they sign,” said Richard James Burgess, CEO of A2IM who organized the month long celebration, “Even the savviest music fans can be surprised at how many of their favorite artists are independent. Independents’ month is an opportunity to highlight these artists and their labels.”

Independent’s Month Features Across Industry Sectors

Apple Music and the iTunes Music store will launch a feature room that will spotlight Libera Award Nominees and influential independent labels. It will also include independent-focused playlists and essential albums across a wide variety of genres, from Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop, R&B, Electronic, and Dance to Metal, Latin, Roots, and World Music.

iHeartRadio and Pandora will also highlight independent artists by featuring Libera Awards stations and playlists. “We were excited to collaborate with A2IM to launch Independents Month Radio and to help emerging Indie artists reach new listeners,” said Darren Davis, President of iHeartRadio and iHeartMedia Networks Group. 

AIMS (Association of Independent Music Stores) will offer discounts on select independent records throughout the entire month of June. 

For more information on supporting the independent music movement through Independents’ Month, follow the #IndieMonth hashtag on social media.

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