Vevo Uses A Simple Tactic To Increase Music Video Views and You Should Too

Major label owned music video platform Vevo has discovered a simple tactic that leads to an average double digit improvement in engagement. This tactic works particularly well for videos released years ago, many of which were getting lost within YouTube’s massive and always growing catalog. What is Vevo’s secret sauce?…

BLACKPINK Beats Ariana Grande, BTS To Claim 3 YouTube Debut Records

"Thank u, next" took on new meaning over the weekend as BLACKPINK’s ‘Kill This Love’ music video broke three records for its YouTube debut, including beating Ariana Grande and BTS to claim the most viewed 24 hour debut of all time. BLACKPINK now has: the biggest YouTube Premiere of all…

Independent Artists: Making The Music Video Decision

Music videos can be a powerful tool for artists, helping them to both raise their profile and directly communicating and artists artistic image. That said, music videos no longer carry quite the clout they did a decade or more ago, and the typically high cost of production can making the…

Changes To YouTube Copyright Claims May Affect You

YouTube is now unveiling some important changes to its Content ID feature which could impact artist videos moving forward, requiring content owners to provide infringement timestamps, and limiting the number of manual copyright claims. _____________________ Guest post by Bobby Owsinski of Music 3.0 YouTube is rolling out a couple of…

Fall Out Boy Sued Over Use of Furry Llama Puppets

Fall Out Boy is being sued by the Furry Puppet Studio for allegedly overusing the life-sized llama puppets that appeared in their 2017 video for “Young and Menace.” In a 133-page complaint filed by famed Pennsylvania attorney Francis Malofiy, Furry Puppet admits that the company was hired by Rubrik House…

7 Actionable Tips For Music Labels To Escalate Their Online Video Revenue

As the largest video sharing platform on the planet, YouTube represents a huge opportunity for artists and labels to spin the countless views on the site into profit. Here we look at seven tips for how music labels can up their video revenue game. _____________________________ Guest post by Scott Matthews…

Facebook Expands Spotify Integration, Watch Party, More

Facebook has announced several new music and video improvements including expanded integration with Spotify, a new look for its Watch Party shared viewing function and expansion of all its music features into more countries. Highlights Expansion – Facebook uesrs in in more than 40 countries can share personal videos with…

How To Pull Off A Great Looking Music Video On A Budget

Producing a music video for free simply isn’t going to happen, but creating a great looking, quality product while actually sticking to budget and not leaving your band destitute is significantly more achievable. Here we look at how. ____________________________ Guest post by Gideon Waxman of Soundfly’s Flypaper Making a great…

Making It Big: What 6 Elite Producers Taught Us [VIDEO]

As part of new content franchise, Kobalt has invited some of the music industry’s top producers to share their stories about coming up in the music industry and their respective journeys to success. _____________________________ Guest post from AWAL If you’re reading this, it’s time to learn. AWAL’s parent company, Kobalt,…