Country Artist Pays YouTube for More Views, Gets Illegally Spammed…


Should you pay YouTube to promote your video?

Sounds like a great way to boost views and reach your target, though the reality may be completely different.  Here’s a response we got to Charlotte Hassan’s article about TubeNinja, which is being threatened by YouTube for violating its terms of service.  



This is good stuff.  I am wondering if you or your staff have written or would be willing to write about YouTube’s blatant disregard for their own TOS when it comes to paid promotion and click farms.  Recently one of my clients released her debut video.  Prior to that we were able to generate 300,000 views (w/o any paid promo), 3500 subscribers, and a solid engagement rate ranging from 2%-5%.  We released the video and purchased YouTube promotion.  Our views began to skyrocket and the engagement rate was astoundingly poor (.002%). In the search parameters we specified “Country Music Fans”. The analytical data clearly showed 98% of the views coming from Vietnam, Mexico, Pakistan, Turkey, and some Eastern European country.

Again, we PAID for this crap via YouTube.

How is this not illegal?

It’s my understanding (please correct me if I’m wrong) that YouTube has enforced their TOS with Major Labels and indie artists ripping down entire channels for using 3rd party promo companies that sell BS views via click farms.

I feel like if I were to buy Advil at a super discount from a shady home spun back alley distributor and received placebos, shame on me. However, if I went DIRECTLY to Advil, paid full price, expecting to get Ibuprofen and received placebos, that would be completely illegal, am I wrong?

We revisited the parameters and added EXACTLY what countries we wanted and didn’t want, that seemed to help. However, I don’t think anyone could convince me that there were 70,000 country music fans in those 3rd world countries. Especially considering the dismal engagement numbers.

Have y’all written about this? If so, can I have a link?

If not…ya wanna?


The post Country Artist Pays YouTube for More Views, Gets Illegally Spammed… appeared first on Digital Music News.

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