Instagram Rules And Best Practices For Musicians

Instagram is an extremely important tool in any artist’s social media arsenal, provided it’s used effectively. Here we look at some solid Instagram practices to employ in order to get the best results from the platform. ________________________________________ By Katherine Forbes, author of Bandcamp – The E-Course I love Instagram and…

Facebook Owns 50 Minutes Of Your Fans Day, Every Day

Want to know where to find your fans? “Today, people around the world spend on average more than 50 minutes a day using Facebook, Instagram and Messenger…and that doesn’t count WhatsApp,” CEO Mark Zuckerberg said during an earnings call yesterday. To clarify, that 50 minutes is an average among people…

Maximize Your Social Media Music Promo Using This Simple Formula

As a creative artist, it’s unlikely you want to sink excessive amounts of time into social media marketing, meaning efficiency becomes key. This article covers how artists can diversify a single piece of content for application across a variety of platforms, thereby saving time and maximizing fan engagement. _______________________________ Guest…

10 Tips To Create And Grow A Snapchat Following For Musicians

In case you haven’t heard, Snapchat is taking off for the mainstream public. It is a great way to make personal contact and to receive instant feedback from your fans. This means that it’s prime time for musicians to start building their Snapchat following and learn how to use it…

Russell Simmons’ All Def Digital Launches Urban Creative Unit

All Def Digital Chairman Russell Simmons and CEO Sanjay Sharma have announced the launch of ADHD, a creative unit housed inside of ADD to create brand-focused content aimed at urban millennials. ADHD will partner with select brands in creating content, live experiences, and full-scale media properties that will appeal to…

Coachella Has Massive Reach On Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

Coachella has a massive reach on social media – 239 million for Week 1 alone. The folks at Ampsy applied their social data voodoo to create an infographic which illustrates the social media juggernaut that is Coachella. Related articles Check-In On YouTube: 6 Best Practices For Bands And Labels 25…

3 Social Media Fan Scenarios That Musicians Frequently Get Wrong

Social media has closed the gap between artist and fan and given rise to greater accessibility than ever before, however if artists handle this new level of interaction poorly, the effects can be highly detrimental to the artist’s online image and overall career. ___________________________ Guest Post by Amy Sciarretto on…

4 Key Snapchat Marketing Secrets From DJ Khaled #CRWN

While any number of artists have seen success using Snapchat, DJ Khaled has unquestionably his use of the popular photosharing platform to a whole new level, with over three million followers engaging with his content. Here we look marketing strategy which has allowed Khaled to achieve such Snapchat fame. ________________________________…

Facebook Is Changing Your Timeline Again: 3 Tips To Save Your Traffic

We all know that how often your Facebook posts are seen by your fans is an ever-changing target. This week, Mark Zuckerberg moved the goalpost again. Here’s the latest change and three things you can do about it. _____________________________________ As part of Facebook’s “Feed Quality Program”, the social media giant…