The Value Of Keyword Research For Artists

For any artist who’s serious about their digital marketing, keyword research has become hugely important when it comes to search engine optimization and attracting fan traffic to your website. In this latest post to MusicThinkTank, Jorge Brea dives into the world of keyword research as it applies to artists, and…

Songwriting: Using Other Keys Than Major & Minor [Excerpt From "Songwriting: Get Your Black Belt In Music & Lyrics"]

This book excerpt explores the opportunities for communicating different emotions presented by the not so commonly used diatonic scales, and looks at what flavor their character tones bring in (each scale has one tone that stands out). ____________________________ Guest Post excerpted from Songwriting: Get Your Black Belt In Music &…

Three Indie Artists Offer DIY Music Video Production Tips

Even if you don’t have the backing of major studio, there’s no reason your DIY music video can’t be of the utmost quality. Here three independent artists share advice on creating a professional looking video to accompany your latest musical release. _________________________ Guest Post by Chris Robley on The DIY…

ASACP Sues 10 Venues That Refuse To Pay To Use Music

ASCAP has filed 10 lawsuits against bars and restaurants for the unauthorized use of its members’ copyrighted musical works. Over the past two years, and in many cases longer, ASCAP says it made numerous attempts to offer to license these venues and educate the owners about their obligations under federal…

11 DIY Ways To Preview Your Album On Snapchat

For those artists with new material who are struggling to find a blog on which to premier it, rapper Kosha Dillz has some tips on how they can opt to use Snapchat instead, and perhaps see greater success as a result. ____________________________ Guest post by Kosha Dillz A quick and…

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Announce A Release Date

When prepping for the launch of a new album, announcing a release date for your fans may seem like the smart marketing move to make, but doing so can often do more harm than good, and leave artists in a tough spot when said date actually roles around. ___________________________________ In…

A Guide To Facebook Live Video For Musicians

Last week, musician Ben Sollee told me that Facebook Live video was now the best way to assure that his Facebook messages were seen by fans. Yesterday, at it’s F8 gathering, CEO Mark Zuckerberg made it clear that live video was a top priority. Thankfully, Bobby Owsinski has created a…

Artist Turns To Fans To Reverse Crowdfund Latest Vinyl Release

In an age where recouping expenses on physical music has become incredibly difficult, indie band Word of Mouth is trying a new approach, using their fans as a single giant street team to promote their latest vinyl release, and share the profits in the process. ______________________________ Guest Post from Word…

59 Music Blogs That Are Guaranteed To Listen To Your Song

Frustrated with the process of submitting his music to blogs, Color Theory’s Brian Hazard decided to give the service SubmitHub a try and detailed his resulting experience here. __________________________ Guest Post by Brian Hazard on Passive Promotion I hate submitting my music to blogs. Hate hate hate. The process goes…

4 New Social Media Tools For More Efficient Posting

For artists, being on multiple social media platforms is important when it comes to casting a wide marketing net, but keeping up with so many accounts can be exceedingly time consuming. Here we look at four different services which help musicians with social media automation. _______________________________ Guest Post by Bobby…