Why Right Now Is The Best Time To Launch A Music Career

While it’s been a tumultuous past decade for the music industry, and things are showing no sign of calming down, all the chaos has created a tremendous amount of opportunity for artists across the music business spectrum. ____________________________ Guest post by James Shotwell of Haulix The music industry is an…

How To Craft A Killer Facebook Video Marketing Strategy

While many artists may consider YouTube to be the go-to for video marketing, Facebook is actually a far more effective platform. Here we look at how to use Facebook to execute the ultimate vide marketing strategy. __________________________ Guest post by Randi Zimmerman of the Symphonic Blog For many of us,…

Getting It Done: The Week In D.I.Y. & Indie Music

This week, we unleashed a whole deluge of useful advice for DIY artists, ranging from the upsides of releasing your music on cassette, to how to take care of both yourself and your career, to essential marketing strategies you have to know, plus much, much more. Starting A Band Means…

Music Think Tank Weekly Recap: Sharpen Your Skills • Productivity For Musicians • Music Industry Myths• More

On MusicThinkTank this week, our contributors shared insightful articles on how to hone your skills as a performer, what it take to be the optimally productive musician, music industry myths every artist should work to discredit, and more. Wassim Awess | Sharpen Your Performance Skills With These 6 Daily Tasks…

Starting A Band Means Starting A Business

We review the benefits of creating a legal standalone entity as an artist or for your band, some ways in which you can use the legal system to your advantage, and why its a good idea to seek legal advice surrounding the endeavor. _____________________________ Guest post by The Sifre Group…

Not Posting On Twitter? There Are 6 Million New Reasons You’re Wrong

Twitter stock dropped 19% yesterday after a weak earnings report. Almost lost in the subsequent bad press was the reveal that daily usage on on the social platform had grown significantly. Twitter’s daily users were up 17% to 145 million compared with the same 3 months last year. That’s an…

Today Is Last Day To Submit To Showcase At SXSW 2020

Today, Friday October 25th, is the last day to submit to perform at an official SXSW showcase. "SXSW Showcasing Artists benefit from career-changing exposure and publicity provided by the amazing mix of influential participants who attend SXSW every year." SXSW 2020 will be held March 16 – 22, 2020 in…

Why Artists Who Don’t Cultivate Sustainable Lifestyles Stop Making Music

In this piece we explore why artists with lofty goals of making music their full time career are so often brought down by their ambitions, and how artists can better advance their position in the industry through setting a series of achievable goals and focus ing on career sustainability. _______________________________…

6 Daily Tasks To Sharpen Your Performance Skills

Getting into the habit of performing, (and, more importantly, performing well) can be a challenge for many artists staring out. That said, integrating certain specific habits into your daily schedule can do wonders for improving your ability to produce a solid live show. Here we look at six such practices….

800 Musicians Call For Amazon Boycott In Growing ‘No Music for ICE’ Campaign

More than 800 musicians have signed a “No Music for ICE” letter pledging a boycott of Amazon-sponsored festivals and other partnerships until the internet giant ends the support of human rights violations through current contracts with ICE and other related US government agencies. Deerhoof, Ted Leo, Álex Anwandter, Immortal Technique,…