Breaking: Apple Music Hits 13 Million Subscribers

Apple Hits 13 Million Subscribers

Today (April 26th) Apple announced that it has now surpassed 13 million subscribers.

The news was revealed by CEO Tim Cook via a conference call.

What’s surprising about this milestone, is just how quick the service has managed to rack up millions of users. It was only in February this year that DMN announced Apple Music hitting 11 million subscribers. To put Apple Music’s growth into perspective, Spotify took 6 years to hit 10 million paying users.

Apple Music has added another two million users in just two months.

The platform entered the music streaming market in June last year, and has managed to hit 13 million subscribers in just 10 short months. If Apple Music keeps growing at this rate, we will see it hitting at least 15 million subscribers by its first birthday.

How is Apple Music growing so quickly?

The reason why Apple Music has been able to grow so quickly is due to the fact that people associate Apple with quality products that hold value, both on the hardware and software side.  That brand power and reputation is undoubtedly a key factor in the early success of the service.

Without a doubt, the trajectory is applying heavy pressure on competitive streaming services.  Spotify has raised $1 billion is debt financing to improve its service and to better compete in the streaming market. Spotify will be keeping a close eye on Apple music to ensure it doesn’t outgrow them.

The post Breaking: Apple Music Hits 13 Million Subscribers appeared first on Digital Music News.

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