Are Apple Music and iTunes Deleting Users Music On Purpose?

Apple Music and iTunes Keeps Deleting Users Music

Well users’ music is going AWOL, and Apple can’t figure out why, apparently

They even sent two engineers to a customer’s home after 122GB of his personal music collection deleted out of nowhere.

James Pinkstone – the author of the blog Vellum Atlanta, was the customer who lost 122GB of his music. This prompted him to write a long complaint on his website a few weeks ago, which was picked up by Apple, who then sent the engineers out.

The engineers spent the whole day analysing Pinkstone’s use of Apple Music, iTunes and his personal library at his home, to see if they could recreate the issue, but the engineers were stumped and came to the conclusion that there was a ‘glitch’ somewhere that needed to be fixed. Well you don’t say.

But, what are Apple doing about it?

On Monday, the tech giant pushed out their new updated iTunes 12.4 version, which not only had design ‘tweaks’ but an installed ‘safeguard’ to protect users music from a deletion bug.

People have been speculating that Apple are deleting users music which is not in the Apple Music library. But, the strange thing here is that they seem to not actually know what is causing the music deletion issue. Or maybe it’s just one big charade from Apple pretending to act on an issue that they were purposefully creating in the first place, who knows.

But, what we do know, is that Apple Music have been experiencing unprecedented growth since it launched in June last year, and have now racked up more than 13 million subscribers. The service is adding one million more users on average a month despite its constant technical issues in the early stages, and more recent issues which saw subscribers of the service being asked to sign up again to the app.

Customers have been sticking with the platform throughout, but if problems with the service continue to occur users may grow tired and we could see a dip in subscriber numbers, though we doubt this will be the case.

We’re hoping that the new updates and safeguards will eradicate the issues moving forward.

The post Are Apple Music and iTunes Deleting Users Music On Purpose? appeared first on Digital Music News.

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