Tomorrowland Suffers Massive Data Breach

image from celebrityaccess.comWe’re used to our Yahoo and Experian data coming under attack, but who thinks about such problems when buying a festival ticket? Think again. EDM giant Tomorrowland has suffered a data intrusion that exposed the personal information of tens of thousands of festival goers.

According to Belgian news outlet De Standaard, the hack affected an old server that contained information from ticket purchasers for a Tomorrowland event from 2014.

Der Standaard reported that compromise allowed digital intruders to steal names, emails, ages, postcodes, and genders from about 64,000 of the 360,000 people who attended the festival.

Debby Wilmsen, a spokesperson for the festival, told De Standaard:

“The managers of the Paylogic ticketing system noticed some unusual activity on an older system. After careful analysis, it appeared that an old database from Tomorrowland 2014 was concerned. The server in question was immediately taken offline.

“We ask to be vigilant when receiving e-mails about ticket sales, promotions or other addresses that do not come from official Paylogic or Tomorrowland communication channels. All communication from Tomorrowland is led by Links to Tomorrowland ticket sales can only be found via or official travel partners,” Wilmsen added.


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