Snoop Dogg Calls Arnold Schwarzenegger a ‘Racist Piece of S–t’ and a ‘Straight Bitch’ (NSFW)


The stink of political corruption has a way of lingering.

Snoop Dogg recently called out former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for a late-term pardon that reeked of cronyism and blatant corruption.  In a video posted by Snoop Dogg on his Instagram account today, the legendary rapper called out Schwarzenegger for drastically reducing the sentence of Esteban Nunez, who just happens to be the son of ex-California Assembly Speaker and Schwarzenegger pal Fabian Nunez.

Esteben Nunez was convicted on manslaughter charges after knifing a fellow student to death in a drunken attack.  Nunez attacked the student alongside Ryan Jett, who also wielded a knife and remains in prison.

On Sunday, Nunez was released from prison after serving just 6 years of a 16 year sentence.

“I mean, of course you help a friend.”

The reduction was issued by Schwarzenegger on his last day in office in 2011, and subsequently described as ‘repugnant’ by a Sacramento judge.  That judge was presiding over a lawsuit from the victim’s family, who felt the reduction was completely unfair and attempted to reverse the commutation.

The ex-Governor soon admitted the crony corruption in an interview.  “I feel good about the decision,” Schwarzenegger told the Sacramento Bee shortly after the reduction in 2011.  “I mean, of course you help a friend.”

Fuck you Arnold what a friend. U are ?????

A video posted by snoopdogg (@snoopdogg) on

Enter Snoop Dogg, who expressed huge frustrations given Schwarzenegger’s decision not to lift the death sentence on notorious gangster and Crips co-founder Stanley “Tookie” Williams.  Williams was administered lethal injection on December 13th, 2005 at California’s San Quentin State Prison, after being convicted of multiple gang-related murders decades earlier.

That drew massive protests, especially in light of Williams’ strong anti-gang campaigning and evidence of character reform.  The decision to proceed with the death sentence, the ultimate punishment, stands in stark contrast to the light treatment afforded another murderer.

After the decision on his son, Fabien Nunez felt the sentence was politically motivated, and too harsh.  That apparently justified the commutation: “I used my relationship with the governor to help my own son,” Nunez soon told The Los Angeles Times.  “I’d do it again. Any father would do the same.”

Ryan Jett, who was also wielding a knife during the stabbing, is serving the full sentence.

(Image by gcardinal; licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC by 2.0).)

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