Scotty McCreery to ‘Plunge In Place’ for Special Olympics North Carolina Fundraiser

Scotty McCreery

Scotty McCreery has signed on to participate with Special Olympics of North Carolina in its Plunge In Place fundraising event, an adaption to its annual Polar Plunge fundraiser.

Traditional Polar Plunges take place across the state in lakes, pools and even the ocean to benefit SONC. This year, the Plunge in Place event encourages participants to take the Plunge however they want: into a pool, an ice bath, the ocean, using a frigid bottle of water, or even running through sprinklers. All funds raised will directly benefit Special Olympics athletes, and McCreery has created “Team Scotty” to fundraise in support of SONC. He will also video himself taking the Plunge, and the video will be featured during Plunge Week, February 21-26.

“I’m happy to Plunge in Place this year and show my support of the nearly 40,000 athletes who train and compete as part of Special Olympics North Carolina,” said McCreery. “They inspire me.”

Fellow fundraisers can register online to begin the Plunge in Place fundraising process or donate in support of the Plunge in Place initiative. Polar Plungers must raise a minimum of $100 by Feb. 26 to qualify for additional Plunge incentives and contests. Super Plungers must raise a minimum of $100 to receive the official 2021 Plunge in Place T-shirt, the commemorative sweatshirt and to qualify for contests and incentive prizes. 

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