Merch Cat Adds Fan App For Direct To Fan Sales [EXCLUSIVE]

image from musicbiz.orgMusic merch management app Merch Cat has launched the Merch Cat Fan app, a direct-to-fan sales tool centered on the live show. Fans can use it to buy merch at live shows, or anytime, and artists get access to purchase data.

Merch Cat fan appAt live shows, fans can skip merch table lines, pick up items at the show or have them shipped later. They can share purchases on social media, and their friends can buy merch and have it shipped. Fans can also use the app to purchase merch at any time, whether or not a band is currently on tour.

Artists also benefit from the Fan app’s integration with Merch Cat’s inventory management and sales tracking system, which funnels all transactions into a central database for reporting, analytics, and management. Merch Cat Fan also allows artists to capture fan data at sign-up, allowing for further engagement down the line.

“80% of merch sales take place at live shows vs. web stores, so we designed Merch Cat Fan to capitalize on the excitement that takes hold of fans at live concerts to commemorate the moment, all while removing the things they hate, like waiting on long lines and carrying things around,” said Vanessa Ferrer, Founder and CEO of Merch Cat. “Further, they can buy things once they arrive home, and people who did not attend can also get in on the action.”

Merch Cat Fan is available now free in the iTunes App Store, with an Android version in development. The Fan app is launching with Magnets & Ghosts, the side project of Collective Soul’s Dean Roland and Ryan Potesta, with more artists being added daily..

For more information:

A video overview of the main Merch Cat app.


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