Kanye Tweets Late Night NYC Concert, But It’s A Surprise To Venue

Kayne nutsThe power that musicians have to drive fan behavior on social media is a two edged sword.  Fortunately for Kayne West, this time his misleading tweets did not lead to riots and injuries in the streets of NY.


image from www.celebrityaccess.comAfter a New York City festival show was cancelled due to poor weather, Kanye West sent hints to his social media followers leading them to what the rapper alluded  as a surprise late night concert at Webster Hall.

Fans turned out by the thousands, shutting down the New York City area around the venue. According to social media over two thousand hopeful fans crowded the East Village in New York.

Kanye posted “Show at 2 a.m. SOLD OUT” contradicting the venues’ Twitter page stating “There is no late show”, adding “Please get home safely”.

Kanye did do a drive by around three in the morning popping out of his sun roof urging tenacious fans to request that New York City Mayor, Bill DeBlasio to shut down the area.

via Celebrity Access


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