Hypebot’s More News Section, Rebel Mouse And A Promise Broken

image from crunchbase-production-res.cloudinary.comYou’ll notice some experimentation over the next few days in our More News section. Here’s why: For three years, we’ves used the digital bookmarking tool RebelMouse to share music industry and tech news from across the web under a More News tab. RebelMouse has always been free, until 3 weeks ago when they announced that their free service was being terminated. No problem, we’re happy to pay.

Unlike most web services, who post their prices online, Rebel Mouse forced you to contact them. When I did, I was informed that to their longtime free product was now $625 per month.They were offering a discount for a year; but in the end, the price increase was from free to $7500 a year.

Shame on you RebelMouse.

I know that supporting a free product can be costly. We’re happy to pay, but free to $7500?  You sucked me – and hundreds of other publishers and brands – in and then kicked us to the curb.

A New More News Tab

It may take a few more days to get make a transition. We’re experimenting with two products that we’re happy to pay for- Paper.li and Scoop.it.  Of you have other ideas, we very much want to hear from you.

I promise you that we won’t be using Rebel Mouse.


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