How Well Your Genre Sells on Streaming, Downloading, and Physical…

Here’s another critical thing to consider when strategizing your release: genre.  Because genre audiences are oftentimes wildly different when it comes to how they listen to music, all of which can have giant ramifications for how they pay for music (or don’t pay for it).

Here’s a breakdown of what percentage of revenues each genre makes from different platforms: streaming, downloading, and physical (CDs and vinyl).  It comes from Nielsen Music, measured across 2015.

I: Genres That Perform Best on Streaming

(Percentage of overall sales within each genre that come from Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, YouTube, Deezer, Rhapsody, Tidal, et. al.)

source: Nielsen Music; 2015.

Genres Breakdown, Streaming

II: Genres That Perform Best on Downloads

(Percentage of overall sales within each genre that come from album downloads from iTunes, Amazon, et. al.)

source: Nielsen Music; 2015.

Genres Breakdown, Album Downloading

II: Genres That Perform Best on CDs & Vinyl

(Percentage of overall sales within each genre that come from CD and vinyl albums; sorry there isn’t a vinyl-only breakdown yet!)

source: Nielsen Music; 2015.

Genres Breakdown, Physical

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