Eat, Sleep, Write: 5 Apps For Every Musician, Songwriter

2Apps have been integrated into all aspects of the creative process for some time now, and songwriting is no exception. Beyond simply facilitating the technical aspects of composition and recording, several apps have now been released designed to help spark inspiration in composers.


In this new post to MusicThinkTank, contributor Joe McLean looks at a variety of different apps designed to streamline the songwriting process and provide artists with resources to provide inspiration and overcome writers block.

“Rhymes are not an essential part of music anymore, but they do create melodic instances that can impact the song.

During the songwriting process, every writing faces a dilemma about whether they should focus on the crux of the lyrics or making them rhyme. Rhymer’s Block solves all those problems. It doubles as a notepad and an intelligent rhyme suggestion tool.

It marks all your rhyming words, but it’s far from a basic aid. Instead of focusing on the end word, Rhymer’s Block also lets you see internal rhymes, multi-syllable rhymes and other types. This is important for maintaining melody and a steady rhythm using cleverly utilized syntax.”

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