Drake Sued For Ordering Former Producer To Get Knocked Out

Drake Sued For Ordering Former Producer To Get Knocked Out

Don’t say no to Drake, or you will get knocked out by his bodyguard…

According to a report by TMZ, Drake is being sued by Rapper/Producer – Detail, also known as Noel Fisher, for allegedly getting his bodyguard to beat him up.

Fisher is famous for producing Beyonce’s song ‘Drunk In Love’, which earned him a Grammy award. Fisher has also worked with other artists like Lil Wayne, and he worked on Drake’s 2013 ‘Nothing Was The Same’ album.

Fisher says that his and Drake’s working relationship was good up until 2014, when the singer offered him the position of Executive Producer. Fisher wasn’t really interested in being signed to one person, so he declined his offer.

But, it was after the offer was declined that things took a turn. Fisher says that the Canadian singer/rapper invited him over to his house in Calabasas, whilst down-playing his feelings about the declined offer, and next thing he knew Drake’s bodyguard, Chubbs was beating him up and consequently broke his jaw.

Whilst Detail was being hit, he remembers Chubbs saying…

”I don’t give a f***. I will hit you again. Do you think Drake is soft? You think Drake’s a punk?”

As of yet, the singer hasn’t responded to the claims. Will Drake’s views from the 6, turn into views of a courtroom?

(Image by thecomeupshow, Creative Commons, Attribution 2.0 Generic, cc by 2.0)

The post Drake Sued For Ordering Former Producer To Get Knocked Out appeared first on Digital Music News.

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