Cash Is King Inks Distribution Deal With Copperline, Names Callie Twisselman As Flagship Artist

Copperline has entered into a global distribution deal with the Cash Is King record label.

The new company is home to flagship artist Callie Twisselman, and both Cash Is King and Twisselman are represented by artist manager Danny Nozell and Justis Mustaine of CTK Enterprises.

A Cailfornia native, Twisselman learned to play guitar by the age of 15, and began writing her own songs. She was soon playing local songwriters rounds and formed her first band, traveling to fairs and festivals throughout the West Coast. After graduating high school, she flew to Nashville to record her first EP. In 2017, Twisselman made the move to Nashville permanently. Kent Wells, Dolly Parton’s producer, first introduced Twisselman to Nozell. Under Nozell’s guidance, Twisselman spent the next two years honing her skills and recording and demoing her music.

Callie Twisselman

“There is something about Nashville that inspires you,” says Twisselman. “I wrote about as many songs the first month here as I did in one year of living in California. I never felt more certain of anything in my life, this is where I am supposed to be.”

Twisselman is signed to eOne for publishing via Vintern Songs. Her debut single, “Two Hands,” is set for release on April 9.

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