All Discussions of Stock Investing Should Acknowledge That There Are Two Schools of Academic Thought re the Basics

Shiller changed everything that we once thought we knew about stock investing when he published research showing that valuations affect long-term returns. This finding was a “revolutionary” (the word appears…

The Size Of An Investor’s Stock Portfolio Tells Him How Well He Has Done With His Life

Robert Shiller’s research brought on a “revolutionary” (this word appears in the subtitle of Shiller’s book) advance in our understanding of how stock investing works. But few people appreciate that…

It’s Human Emotions That Swing Wildly, Not The Economy Or The Value Of The Stock Market

Shiller’s amazing research findings changed everything. The word “revolutionary” appears in the subtitle of Shiller’s book and his ideas about how stock investing works live up to the grand claim….

Interest Rates Would Stabilize If Shiller’s Research Was Discussed Openly

We’re trapped. Q4 2021 hedge fund letters, conferences and more Interest rates are low. Inflation is high. If interest rates are increased to to reflect today’s inflation rate, stock prices…

Even People Who Believe In Shiller’s Research Aren’t Getting The Full Benefit Of It

I believe that Robert Shiller’s Nobel-prize-winning research revolutionizes the field of investment advice. Shiller showed that irrational exuberance is a thing. During the Buy-and-Hold Era, we treated all investment gains…