Biden Picks Former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen to Head Treasury Department

Yellen would be the first woman to hold the job, and the first person to hold the three most influential economic positions in government: chair of the Federal Reserve, head of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, and treasury secretary.

Mark Cuban Says All American Households Should Get a $1,000 Stimulus Check Every 2 Weeks for 2 Months

He reiterated his support for Americans receiving a $1,000 direct payment every two weeks for two months, and they’d have 10 days to spend the cash.

Mitch McConnell Just Opened the Door for an Extension of the $600 Unemployment Boost … If President Trump Supports It

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that he could support an extension of the $600 unemployment benefit if Trump backs it.

Why Millions of Americans Are Struggling to File for Unemployment Benefits, When They’ve Never Been More Generous

Budget cuts, poor staffing, and old technology are key problems hobbling state safety nets nationwide.