This is why you relate well (or badly) with others: Find out how you can improve your social skills

Antisocial people are often spoken of as a trait that distances them from their environment; what usually happens is that there are certain social skills that are more developed than others.

There is sound in your silence: How to improve your communication knowing the 8 types of listening

In that human act you make yourself present -or absent- in front of the other; we give signals and engage in a dance that, if it is virtuous, can help you substantially improve bonds.

Zoom fatigue exists, and here are 4 ways to transform it

The overexposure to screens simultaneously, such as the computer, the cell phone, a television, a tablet, plus the succession of voice calls and deadlines that mark the top line of delivery dates, subject employees to an exhausting effort .

Cold shower? The routine of the most productive people when they wake up

Perhaps for those who are used to saying to themselves when they wake up “five more minutes” when the alarm goes off under the fluffy duvet and the warmth of the bed, this idea seems far-fetched.