8 Types Of Music Investment Agreements

1-aDsblOYr4qfZEb5XGfKVewWhile crowdfunding has become a popular option for artists looking to raise money for their next musical production, other musicians may be lucky enough to find an investor who’s willing to front cash for an artist’s next creative venture. Should you find such a person or company, however, it’s important for both sides to know what they’re signing up for.


In this latest piece on MusicThinkTank, Brian Pascoe looks at eight types of music investment agreements and the implications behind each.

“If the investment is being made in an album, who owns the masters? Who makes business and creative decisions regarding the album, including all decisions regarding its exploitation? Does one person have the power and control to make all music decisions? If so, to what extent must this person consult with the other? Preferably for the musician, she controls as much as possible, while having financial obligations to the investor.”

“If the investment is being made in an album, who owns the masters? Who makes business and creative decisions regarding the album, including all decisions regarding its exploitation? Does one person have the power and control to make all music decisions? If so, to what extent must this person consult with the other? Preferably for the musician, she controls as much as possible, while having financial obligations to the investor.”

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