4 Tips For Keeping It Together When Performing Live

1Performing artists have a lot to deal with in their lives, and an already full plate will feel fullest during a performance. Here we look at four things artists can do to protect their physical and mental health and keep it together when performing.


In this recent post to MusicThinkTank, Rachelle Wilber offers up four useful tips for how musicians can avoid going off the rails and breaking down while performing.

“If you have a lot of performances scheduled, be sure to include plenty of time for breaks. Try to avoid doing more than three or four shows in a row if possible. For example, if you do three shows in one week, try to schedule three or four days off. Having a few days off gives your body the chance to rest and recover from the rigors of performing on stage for a crowd. Singers especially need this time off in order to avoid laryngitis, vocal cord nodules and other hazards of overuse of the voice”

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