YouTube celebrates Africa Month, reaffirms commitments to creators and the music industry in Africa

Content creators in Africa will receive support from YouTube through virtual and in-person training and workshops to help them grow their channels and improve their skills.

Pink Floyd considering sale of recorded music catalog for hundreds of millions of dollars

That’s according to Bloomberg, which cites sources suggesting the band’s representatives recently reached out to potential acquirers in the music business.
Music Business Worldwide

Las 5 plataformas que están revolucionando la industria de la música con blockchain y NFT

Plataformas como Audius, Sound y OneOf, entre otras, utilizan el potencial de blockchain para dar un trato más justo y equilibrado a los artistas y recompensarlos de mejor forma por su trabajo.
Observatorio Blockchain

Local artists find window into global music scene through online platforms

During the pandemic, the music industry in the Kingdom and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has witnessed the rise of a new generation of independent artists, as online streaming and social media platforms have introduced local musicians …

Roger Daltrey says the music industry has been “stolen” from artists

“That is ridiculous, and they’re being robbed blind by streaming and the record companies, because the old deals with record companies that existed in the Seventies, Eighties and Nineties, they’re still working on the same percentage breaks.

Sur Spotify, 99 % des artistes gagnent moins de 10.000 dollars par an

La plateforme de streaming suédoise a révélé avoir versé 7 milliards de dollars aux détenteurs de droits de l’industrie musicale en 2021. C’est près de 20 % de tous les revenus du marché de la musique dans le monde. Déjà leader de l’industrie musicale,…

Volver a “rebobinar”: el renacer del cassette en la industria musical

En los tiempos que corren en donde predomina el consumo de música en ‘streaming’ ha habido un renacer de los formatos del siglo pasado que se creían obsoletos, tales como el famoso cassette.