More Than 200 Quebec Musicians Demand Government Action Against Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music, Other Streaming Giants

Over 200 musicians signed a letter demanding that the Québécois government take action so that they can receive fair compensation from music streaming services such as Spotify. Recording industry revenues are surging, with the US-based market enjoying …

U.S. Judiciary Committee Urges the Removal of DMCA-Style Safe Harbor Provisions from Global Trade Treaties

Earlier today (September 23rd), the U.S. House Judiciary Committee wrote a letter to the U.S. Trade Representative, who is currently negotiating a new free trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada. The letter expressed concerns abou…

Bitter Music Industry In-Fighting Prevented Any Action Against California’s AB5

California’s AB5 was signed into law this week without any exemptions or concessions for the music industry.  So what happened? California’s AB5 is designed to curtail contractor abuse by tech giants like Uber, Lyft, and GrubHub.  But the law generated…

California Passes AB5, Handing a Major Defeat to the RIAA, A2IM, and Music Artists Coalition

Earlier today (September 18th), California governor Gavin Newsom signed AB5 into law. Update (11:30 am PT): Jordan Bromley from MAC, Mitch Glazer from RIAA and Richard J Burgess from A2IM have emailed DMN — via PR rep Dawn Kamerling — stating that this…

The Mechanical Licensing Collective (MLC) Requests $66.25 Million In Funding — Just to Get Started

So, how much does it cost to get a mechanical licensing collection agency off the ground? That would be $37.25 million before the agency opens its doors, and another $29 million to get through the first year.  All in, the as-yet-unformed Mechanical Lic…

Uber, Lyft, and the Music Industry Become Strange Bedfellows Against California’s AB5

Ridesharing giants and the music industry stand united against California’s AB5 — though the opposition effort doesn’t seem to be working. Ridesharing companies Uber and Lyft have formed an unlikely alliance with the music industry to oppose California…

RIAA, A2IM, Music Artists’ Coalition Vehemently Oppose California’s AB5 Legislation

A new law in California called AB5 could destroy the independent music industry in the state, according to an urgent open letter published today. The open letter was jointly penned by the RIAA, A2IM and the Music Artists’ Coalition. AB5, which is set t…

Spotify, Amazon, Pandora, Google/Alphabet File a 92-Page Formal Protest Against Streaming Royalty Rate Increases

The fearsome foursome of Spotify, Alphabet/Google, Amazon, and Pandora aren’t backing down against proposed publishing rate hikes for streaming music services. Back in March, the streaming music giants first announced their intentions of fighting a maj…

Spotify, Apple, Pandora, Amazon, Google Warn Against Ditching the PRO Consent Decrees — “The Resulting Chaos Will Be Felt by Everyone in the Music Industry”

Should the Department of Justice really do away with the ASCAP and BMI Consent Decrees? Not according to major streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora/Sirius, Amazon Music, and YouTube owner Google/Alphabet. As the U.S. Department of Just…

British Trade Group Demands Government Action Against PledgeMusic

The Deputy CEO of British trade organization UK Music has urged the government to take action against PledgeMusic. PledgeMusic’s wind up left executives off the hook for running the crowdfunding platform into the ground.  But destroying a company is on…