The FCC Just Shrunk the Music Industry

The FCC just murdered net neutrality.  And that’s probably bad news most of us in the music industry. If you’re Apple, Amazon, or Google, this doesn’t really affect you.  In fact, the dismantling of net neutrality will probably help p…

Canadian Agency Will Play Judge, Jury, Executioner Over Piracy Sites

Canada has a new idea for dealing with piracy sites: just f—king kill them. Google argues that content infringement is a tricky thing to judge.  The music, TV, and film industries see it in more black-and-white terms. Now, a proposed measure in Canada …

Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Pandora Could Face Billions In ‘Fast Lane’ Surcharges

What’s the real cost of ditching net neutrality?  Potentially billions in ‘fast lane’ tolls and ‘paid prioritization’ charges over the next decade for major music platforms, according to sources. This isn’t exactly w…

Comcast Deletes a Long-Standing Net Neutrality Pledge from Its Website

Comcast has wiped a long-standing net neutrality pledge from its corporate website.  And they did it on the exact same day the FCC proposed repealing Obama’s net neutrality rules.  Any questions? Get ready for an internet defined by high-priced &…

The Laws Governing Music Creators’ Compensation are Unfair and Outdated

I’ve worn a lot of hats in the music industry over the course of my career. While I’m perhaps most visible for my work as a keyboardist with Maroon 5, with which I’ve had the pleasure of touring the world and receiving multiple Grammy nominations, I’ve…

Surprise! If You Don’t Register With the US Government’s Song Database, You Lose Your Copyright

Fun fact: if you don’t properly register for Congress’ proposed universal song database, you’ll lose the rights to your entire life’s work. Looks like Congress’ proposed ‘Transparency in Music Licensing and Ownership Act’ forgot to include the ‘Transparency’ part.  In fact, there’s an insane poison pill that essentially strips copyright owners of their licenses if they […]

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This Year, Not One Grammy Winner Thanked Radio During Their Acceptance Speech

Radio used to make Grammy winners.  Now they don’t even get mentioned.  What’s going on? Is traditional radio dying? That depends on who you ask.  Traditional, ‘terrestrial’ radio has been on death watch for more than a decade.  And many teens and twenty-somethings report listening to zero hours of traditional broadcast. Yet there I am, sitting […]

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Imagine a Single, Unified Licensing Database for Every Song In the World

Congress wants to ensure all artists get paid, every time, by every streaming platform.  And they want to do it by creating a single, unified licensing database. If you’re an executive at Spotify, you might be experiencing a prolonged, extreme migraine headache.  And the reason is that music data, ownership records, and a gaggle of […]

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Google’s ‘Torrent Apocalypse’ Might Have to Wait, Sources Say

Google’s obliteration of the entire torrent ecosystem could be put on pause, according to sources.  And strangely, it all depends on European regulators. Last week, we reported that monumental changes in Google’s Chrome browser could single-handedly wipe out torrent sites.  The reason?  The next Chrome update promises to block a range of ‘bad ads,’ including […]

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Donald Trump Still Hasn’t Appointed Anyone to Lead the US Copyright Office

Months after Congress gave Donald Trump the power to directly appoint a head of the US Copyright Office… crickets. Looks like the US Copyright Office is having a serious crisis in leadership.  And that’s because there’s no leader! That’s right kids: months after Congress enacted a provision to allow Donald Trump to directly appoint a […]

The post Donald Trump Still Hasn’t Appointed Anyone to Lead the US Copyright Office appeared first on Digital Music News.