Tyler the Creator Just Deleted His Twitter Account (and Instagram’s Next)

Is social media burning artists out?  Just weeks after Selena Gomez admitted she was terrified of Instagram, Tyler the Creator has deleted his Twitter account.  And threatened to nuke his Instagram account as well. An icon of the rap world has now nuked his Twitter account.  And he’s probably happier because of it.  The deactivation […]

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For Music, Instagram is the New Facebook

Last week I took part in the (now legendary) Monday Monday songwriter series at The Hotel Cafe. This series was originally started by Joel Eckels at Room 5 in January of 2013 (after filling the place of the long-running songwriter in the round series). When Room 5 closed down earlier this year and the 2nd […]

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Attack of the Clones: Instagram Rolls Out Live Video, Copies Snapchat

Is Instagram becoming more like Snapchat? Or is Snapchat becoming more like Instagram? Snapchat lets you share video clips and images with your friends and contacts, and then disappears within a matter of seconds. When Instagram introduced its Stories features, the developers didn’t bother to change the name. It also lasts only 24 hours. Now, […]

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