New York & California Senators Join Forces to Create ‘Bi-Coastal’ Net Neutrality Laws

Senators from California and New York State are joining forces to create a ‘bi-coastal’ set of stringent net neutrality laws. California has drafted the toughest state net neutrality bill to date, one that is widely expected to pass into la…

Jay-Z Faces a Federal Investigation Over Suspicious Rocawear Transactions

The US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) is now forcing the testimony of Jay-Z over suspicious Rocawear deals. A federal investigation involving the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) is rarely a welcomed development.  Accordingly…

Smaller ISPs are Suing the U.S. Government to Preserve Net Neutrality

ISPs supposedly benefit from the FCC’s net neutrality repeal.  So why are smaller ISPs suing the U.S. Government to protect net neutrality? An unexpected group has now joined the rebellion against the FCC: smaller ISPs.   The group…

Thousands of Sites — Including Tumblr, Etsy & Postmates — are Staging a Last-Ditch Net Neutrality Protest

The last-ditch effort probably won’t save net neutrality from being demolished.  But at least it will raise awareness of the issue among midterm voters. Net neutrality hasn’t technically been erased in the U.S.  But it’s bas…

VPN Subscriptions Doubled Following the FCC’s Net Neutrality Repeal

The FCC’s announcement of a net neutrality repeal in December provoked a surge in VPN subscriptions, according to data now surfacing. The FCC’s controversial decision to erase net neutrality protections is provoking serious privacy concerns…

California’s Landmark Net Neutrality Bill Survives a Major Legislative Hurdle

California SB 822, the strongest net neutrality bill in the nation, has now advanced towards a broader Senate vote. It would be the strongest and most far-reaching net neutrality law in the nation.  Accordingly, telecommunications companies and me…

Comcast Is Threatening Costly ‘Paid Prioritization’ Surcharges Against Netflix, Sources Say

Comcast has already issued threats of heavy ‘paid prioritization’ surcharges and throttling against Netflix, sources have shared.  The threats have been used to force Netflix to sign at least one unfavorable agreement. Updated, April 1…

Guitar Makers are Getting Slammed by Stepped-Up Regulations on Rosewood

The extreme scarcity of rosewood is affecting the guitar industry — and well as other instrument manufacturers.  Can we live without it? Aside from an international crackdown on illegal logging in tropical forests, new regulations are m…

Net Neutrality Opponent Marsha Blackburn Is Getting Clobbered In Midterm Election Polls

Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn), a staunch opponent of net neutrality, now faces a 10-point deficit in midterm pre-election polls. It now appears that net neutrality will become a critically important factor in the midterm elections.  One early indicato…

Oregon Becomes the Second U.S. State to Pass a Net Neutrality Law

It’s official: Oregon is now the second U.S. state with a law protecting net neutrality.  As expected, Governor Kate Brown signed House Bill 4155 today (Monday, April 9th). The FCC’s net neutrality repeal just encountered another giant…