Trump Tweet Removed by Twitter Following a Warner Bros. Copyright Claim

Warner Bros. Pictures filed a copyright infringement claim on one of President Trump’s tweets for his 2020 campaign last night.  The tweet was removed. The video used part of Hans Zimmer’s score from the 2012 movie, The Dark Knight Rises. The president…

Taylor Swift Donates $113,000 to Fight Anti-LGBTQ Bills In Tennessee

Taylor Swift has sent a handwritten note and $113,000 to an LGBTQ advocacy group in support of their efforts. Swift donated to the Tennessee Equality Project (TEP), which is an organization that fights anti-LGBT bills. The efforts of the group to fight…

French Culture Minister Pledges to Implement Article 13 Within a Matter of Months

France won’t waste any time implementing the Copyright Directive and Article 13.   In addition, the country will also implement a piracy website blacklist. Last week, the European Parliament approved the Copyright Directive.  This includes two controve…

Chinese Government Removes All References to Freddie Mercury’s Sexuality from Bohemian Rhapsody

After a surprising approval, China has removed six different LGBTQ moments from Bohemian Rhapsody. In total, the Chinese government removed two minutes of LGBTQ content from Bohemian Rhapsody in China. Two minutes may not sound like a lot, but it scrub…

“A Dark Day for Internet Freedom” — European Parliament Approves the Copyright Directive

Dubbed “a dark day for internet freedom,” multiple copyright organizations have praised the Copyright Directive’s passing. In a landmark vote, the European Parliament has approved the Copyright Directive.  This includes two controversial measures – Art…

Dubai Issues a Statement on R. Kelly: ‘Mr. Kelly Has Not Been Invited by the Dubai Royal Family for a Performance’

After R. Kelly’s lawyer asked a U.S. court for permission to travel to Dubai to perform, Dubai’s government has denied the artist’s claims. The government’s Dubai Media Office made a rare statement denying all claims made by R. Kelly.  That includes cl…

Anti-Article 13 Petition Reaches Over 5 Million Signatures

Not too many people remain ecstatic about the Copyright Directive and its two controversial measures – Article 11 (the link tax) and Article 13 (copyright filters). Several weeks ago, the Copyright Directive – and the controversial Article 13 measure –…

Lawmakers Derail Sexual Harassment Law for Artists in Tennessee

Bowing to pressure from lobbyists, lawmakers in Tennessee have scuttled – for now – a new law that would protect musicians. In order to protect artists, songwriters, and other participants in the local music scene, lawmakers in Tennessee introduced HB …

Warner/Chappell Vows to Defeat Spotify’s CRB Appeal — Here’s Their Open Letter to the Industry

Warner/Chappell has lent its support against Spotify’s decision to appeal the CRB songwriter royalty increase. Last month, in a split decision, the U.S. Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) ruled in favor of a 44% songwriter royalty increase on streaming musi…

Spotify Files Antitrust Complaint Against Apple at the EU over 30% Tax

According to Spotify, Apple unfairly stifles creativity and innovation.  But, with the streaming music giant’s refusal to accept a royalty increase for songwriters, isn’t Daniel Ek’s company basically doing the same thing? In the United States, Spotify…