Friday Forum Live (FFL!): Creating Classic Synth Sounds

For this edition of Friday Forum Live (FFL!), Point Blank Course Developer and expert instructor Dan Herbert will be demonstrating how to create some classic synth sounds in Massive and Reaktor. Sounds on the shortlist include the reece bassline from Ray Keith’s ‘Renegade Terrorist’ and the classic French electro sounds of Justice. Tune in as we […]

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Listen to Point Blank on Pioneer DJ Radio: Guest Mix From JukeBoxx

One of the many reasons to learn the craft of DJing at Point Blank is that you get the chance to have your mixes played exclusively on Pioneer DJ Radio alongside the likes of top artists like Slam, Sante and Eats Everything. We get a real kick out of showcasing our students’ talent and seeing it reach an audience […]

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Cera Alba Live Pioneer DJ TORAIZ Performance at ADE Mumbai

Back in February, we sent Point Blank expert instructor Liam Jones aka Cera Alba to ADE Mumbai to lead a live DJ performance session using Pioneer DJ’s new TORAIZ AS-1 synth and SA-16 sampler. Taking place over 3 days, ADE Mumbai saw a range of industry professionals host Q&A’s, exclusive industry discussions, networking events, strategy meetings, […]

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Point Blank Host Workshops & Panel as Educational Partner at IMS Asia-Pacific

Point Blank is heading East! With Point Blank an official educational partner of the International Music Summit’s (IMS) Asia-Pacific Conference for the first time, Rob Cowan and expert instructor Saytek will be taking part in panels and workshops at the event, which takes place in Shanghai on 21st – 22nd September. This event also sees a number of other […]

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Point Blank’s Ten Jungle Essentials

Calling the Junglist massive! Last week, we put together a selection of ten modern Techno classics just for our readers. This time, we’ve compiled a list of what we consider to be ten essential Jungle records, must-have cuts that’ll keep you skanking from start to finish. Over the coming weeks, we’ll be collating more tracks […]

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Mixing Tutorial: EQ Mixing Strategies in Pro Tools

Point Blank course developer and expert instructor Anthony Chapman (Franz Ferdinand, Klaxons) is back with a new two-part series looking at Avid’s Pro-Tools. In this video, he covers some EQ mixing strategies which is covered within the Advanced Mixing and Recording module, part of our BA (Hons) Music Production & Sound Engineering Degree programme. Pro-Tools is the industry […]

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Catz ‘N Dogz Interview and Track Breakdown

At Point Blank we regularly connect with top artists and professionals from the music industry to shape unique masterclasses which offer an insight into how some of the best in the business work. For our latest guest masterclass at our London school, we were joined by Polish DJ/producer duo Catz ‘N Dogz for an exclusive interview and a breakdown of their remix of Marlena […]

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Point Blank Partners with The Music Inc. to Develop a Unique Pathway for Students

We’ve teamed up with India-based institution The Music Inc (TMI) to create a unique educational pathway for their students looking to study at Point Blank in London. TMI students looking for academic accreditation in the UK can benefit from saving up to £3,000 on our BA (Hons) Music Production & Sound Engineering Degree, shaping a bespoke range of […]

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Student Success August 2017: Steve McMinn (Mt. Wolf) ElPeche, & Daniel A Hunter

Each month, we catch up with Point Blank students and alumni to showcase their successes since studying with us, giving you an insight into how music industry careers are established and nurtured right here at Point Blank. In August 2017, we’re catching up with a diverse set of breaking talent: Musician and Akira Records label […]

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Student Opportunities: Shoreditch Radio, Sample Magic Internship & more

Point Blank always keeps current students and alumni in the loop with all of the best music industry opportunities, so with that said here’s our latest student opportunity round-up. All of these student opportunities come exclusively via PB using our extensive network of contacts, so get stuck in! Want loads more opportunities like this? Find out all about our courses right here! Here are our […]

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