YouTube Launches ‘Foundry’ Initiative to Develop Music Talent

YouTube has informally launched an initiative to develop music talent under the name “YouTube Music Foundry,” which gives artists new tools and guidance on how to successfully grow their presence on the video platform, according to YouTube.

Independent labels and record shops are falling out of love with Record Store Day

April 16th saw thousands of independent record shops overflowing with customers as part of Record Store Day (RSD). Now in its ninth year, RSD sees music fans flock to independent music shops, forming long queues in the hope of snapping up limited-edition vinyl releases that form part of an official list released ahead of the day. The event has been hugely successful, with stores “on every continent except Antarctica” now participating, according to the organisers.

The Economist

Le Disquaire Day, une seconde fête de la musique

Samedi 16 avril, la manifestation dédiée aux disquaires indépendants a attiré les mélomanes vers les bacs de vinyles et les concerts gratuits. Son succès est toujours grandissant mais n’est pas exempt de quelques couacs d’organisation.

Le Figaro

Le streaming dope l’industrie musicale, mais creuse les inégalités

Pour la première fois depuis vingt ans, le marché numérique de la musique enregistrée dépasse les ventes physiques. Ce renouveau relance toutefois le débat sur la diffusion des données personnelles des artistes qui ne sont bien souvent pas rémunérés à la hauteur de leur travail.

France Musique

What Will it Take for Music Streaming to Become a Good Deal for Artists?

It’s no secret that recorded music sales have dwindled dramatically since the dawn of the Napster age, more than 15 years ago. When adjusted for inflation and population growth, U.S. recorded music sales in fact dropped by an astonishing 64% between 2000 and 2009, and they have been slow to begin digging their way back out of that deep hole ever since.

Sonic Scoop