How Music Can Help You Sleep

It may be assumed that lullabies are only for babies, but music has been proven to be beneficial to those of all ages when it comes to helping individuals drift off. Here we look at some of the science behind music as a sleep aid. ______________________________ In this recent post…

Music: A Universal Language That’s Difficult To Translate

While music may often be described as the universal, a translator’s take may be rather different. Indeed, translating a song from one language to another presents a number of challenges in staying faithul to the idea of, and communicating the feel of the original. ___________________________ In this fresh new post…

Maximizing Your Music Collection On Your Smartphone

If having a massive arsenal of music at your disposal while on the go, the limitation of a smartphone may be frustrating. Here we look at how implementation of the right tools and strategies can improve its functionality. ________________________ In this recent piece by Dixie Somers on MusicThinkTank, we examine…

The "Drake" Effect: Thoughts From A&R Exec, Songwriter Spek

Here a recording artist and A&R executive reflects on how the ways in which consumers listen to music and engage with artists has fundamentally changed with more control now in the hands of the artist, something he refers to as the ‘Drake effect’. __________________________________ Guest post by Spek As Senior…

How We Listen To Music In Our Cars

While listening to music in the car has long been a tradition, the way in which we do it has changed significantly over the years, as technology has developed to allow greater choice in what we choose to play. Here we look at some numbers relating to listeners on the…

Moving Past The Static Music Experience

In this edition of Projecting Trends, we take a close look at the shifting role of the music consumer, how music business models have and continue to change, as well as changes taking place with the music itself. ________________________ Guest post by Emma Griffiths and Bas Grasmayer from the Synchblog…

Obama’s Hit Playlist And Using Music To Cope With Politics

Dealing with global events can be mentally and emotionally taxing for anyone, but particularly so when you’re the president of the United States. Here we look at Obama’s top playlists, and how music and general can help when dealing with stress. _____________________________ Guest Post by Charles Burchell on Soundfly’s Flypaper…

UK Vinyl Buyers Different From Those In The US

Although vinyl’s new popularity boom spans overseas to the UK, the demographic of vinyl consumers there is significantly different, with UK listeners averaging much older than those in the US, although there listening habits are fairly similar. ____________________________ Guest Post by Bobby Owsinski on Music 3.0 Although vinyl doesn’t contribute…

Collecting Your Favorites: Vintage Music In The Digital Age

Before the ubiquity of streaming, many music fans spent a lot of time (and money) on amassing huge quantities of physical music. Here we look at how longtime fans can reconcile their preexisting stock with current technology. ________________________________________ In this fresh new article on MusicThinkTank, Rachelle Wilber looks at how…

In Defense Of The Digital Album

As the popularity of playlists grows, and music consumption habits gradually change in favor of the single, many artists are gravitating away from full-length albums, something which could have negative consequences for both artists and fans. ______________________________ Guest Post by Heather Willensky on Medium What’s the best band you discovered…