BPI and IFPI Say Google’s Fight Piracy Report is ‘Greenwash’

Is Google’s ‘fight piracy’ Report just a load of greenwash? The BPI and IFPI have long been at war with the tech giant over their lack of concern over inflating DMCA takedown requests and the ineffectiveness of the content ID system. So, when they released a report highlighting just how successful they have been at paying content creators and reducing […]

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This group despises ‘bad behavior’ by music publishers. Guess who’s funding it…

Google, Pandora, Twitter all help bankroll lobbying group fighting the music biz

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Google and LyricFind Partner To Bring More Lyrics and Administer Rights

LyricFind helps music fans, artists and rights holders… Today, LyricFind have announced that they have joined forces with Google to bring more lyrics to the search engine, and administer rights. LyricFind is the world’s largest lyric licensing service with lyrics from more than 4,000 publishers across 100 countries. This vast library of lyrics is now coming […]

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