Will Garth Brooks Lead the Donald Trump White House Inauguration?

Will Garth Brooks play at the White House inauguration for Donald Trump? Will anybody? Just a little over a month ago, Donald Trump pulled off a stunning upset victory over Hillary Clinton. Americans at top states voted for Trump, making him the next American president. Now, Donald Trump’s team is pulling out all the stops […]

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Donald Trump Speaks to Apple CEO Tim Cook about U.S.-Made iPhones

Did Donald Trump convince Tim Cook to bring Apple manufacturing here in the States? Since 2000, the United States has lost 5 million manufacturing jobs. Donald Trump claims trade with China and Mexico is destroying the middle class. He also promised to bring back manufacturing jobs here in the United States. Now, in an interview […]

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Donald Trump May Seriously Harm Apple and iPhone Sales

How much will Apple lose on the iPhone if Donald Trump follows through on his campaign promise against China? It’s no secret that Donald Trump is against Chinese manufacturing. Back in May, he told supporters that China is “raping” the United States. He also accused the country of manipulating its currency as well as promising […]

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Source: The Rolling Stones Were Invited to Play the Inauguration — By the Democrats

Last week, a source to Digital Music News informed us that the Rolling Stones had been invited to play the Presidential Inauguration.  Now, it appears that the invitation didn’t come from the Trump Administration. Please note: the following is a developing story. Please check back as we learn more information. We’re now getting a better […]

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Gigi Hadid Rips Melania Trump Apart on Plagiarism, Botox, and Speaking English

Impersonating Donald Trump and the future first lady has a cost.  Gigi Hadid and Jay Pharaoh found out the hard way. The American Music Awards didn’t exactly express a warm welcome to president-elect Donald Trump. Green Day shouted “No KKK, No Trump, No Fascist America.” SNL comedian and co-host Jay Pharaoh mocked Trump with a […]

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Green Day Says “No KKK, No Donald Trump, No Fascist America” at the AMAs

There’s no green day for Donald Trump at this awards ceremony. On November 9, the entertainment industry turned on its head. After finding out that Donald Trump is the next U.S. President, musicians took to social media to express their displeasure. The American Music Awards usually celebrates the best of American music. However, on Sunday […]

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Beastie Boy: Trump Supports ‘Homegrown Terrorism’ Against Jews, Minorities

Why aren’t Neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic and white supremacist supporters being denounced?  In a weekend rally in Brooklyn, Beastie Boys member Adam Horovitz directly challenged President-elect Donald Trump for empowering extreme bigotry and hate. Kanye West supports Donald Trump.  Most other prominent artists, on the other hand, are attacking the President-Elect.  That now includes Beastie Boys member Adam […]

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