Who Are the Best-Selling Artists of All Time?

  Country, rap, and even 90s pop artists appear in the RIAA’s list of best-selling artists of all time. Breaking down the RIAA’s list of Gold and Platinum artists, you’ll find a few surprises. For example, only a few hip-hop artists appear on the …

Spotify Pays 75% More Than YouTube on Free Streams; 515% More on Paid Streams

Would a fixed CPM across streaming platforms like YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music truly solve the value gap problem? Does the YouTube value gap actually exist?  According to Google and YouTube, of course not.  Yet, multiple studies have shown the con…

Bitcoin-Based Arena Music Has Been Screwing Me for Two Years

Is the music industry ready for blockchain technology?  Not if executives that use the technology can’t pay up what they owe. To tackle the music industry’s complex licensing issues, startup company Blokur has raised $1.2 million.  Using blockchain tec…

Why I Started Going to Concerts Alone

If you’re heading to music festivals and shows by yourself, then you’re not alone. Your friends are just too busy to hang out.  Your best friends —and even your partner — don’t share your musical taste.  So when a popular gig rolls around, …

The Best-Selling Vinyl Record of 2017 Was Released 50 Years Ago

Vinyl records just gained another 3.1 percent.  Thanks in part to a little band from the 60s. Last year, sales in the US grew 25.9% to 7.2 million units.  In the UK, sales rose 53% to 3.2 million units, the same volume last reached in 1991. With turntables and other accessories, sales will likely reach […]

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Amazon Releases the 50 Most Requested Lyrics on Alexa

Can’t remember a song title?  Neither can most Americans, according to data shared by Amazon. Last June, NPR and Edison Research published a study with some very interesting results.  According to The Infinite Dial 2017 report, 7% of Americans aged 12 and older now own a smart speaker. Building on this report, the Smart Audio […]

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Is Apple Slowing Down Your iPhone to Make You Upgrade?

Is Apple resorting to unfair tactics to get you to upgrade your iPhone?   We traced this little ‘theory’ back to Harvard University. According to an article posted two weeks ago by the Anon Group, a study proves that Apple purposefully slows down older models upon the release of a new iPhone. The group linked to […]

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For Decades, the CD Dominated Japan. Now, There’s an Unlikely Replacement.

Streaming faces an uphill battle in the Japanese market.  But now, there’s an unexpected winner. For years, most Japanese consumers have preferred to purchase CDs to listen to music. Not anymore. Earlier this year, the Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ) released their annual music report.  Music Ally recently translated the report. The RIAJ asked […]

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Cash Me Outside Girl’s New Song Goes Nuclear: 2 Million Views In 24 Hours

In three weeks, ‘Cash Me Outside’ artist Danielle Bregoli (Bhad Bhabie) has found massive success.  Yet, will anyone remember her three years from now? According to popular independent musician Ari Herstand, two separate music industries now exist. The traditional music industry follows the Superstar Business model.  Major labels run this industry.  They focus solely on […]

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How To Get Your Copyrights Back From Your Label or Publisher

There’s a little known section in the US Copyright Act of 1976 enabling any copyright owner to get their rights back after 35 years. Meaning, if you wrote or released a song with a label or a publishing company after January 1st 1978, you can terminate your agreement and get all your rights back. It […]

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