Breaking: Hundreds of Musicians & Publishers Just Filed Legal Paperwork Against Spotify

Spotify’s war with music publishers just got 100 times worse.  That’s because more than 100 notable musicians — including Tom Petty, Kenny Rogers, the Black Keys, and Zach De La Rocha — are filing legal paperwork to force Spotify to pay them more. Last week, major music publishers promised a war against Spotify.  But it […]

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Chance the Rapper Faces Copyright Infringement Accusations

A New York based musician has asked a federal court to destroy all recordings of Chance the Rapper’s song, ‘Windows.’ In 2012, independent artist Chance the Rapper released his debut mixtape, 10 Day, for free.  Now, the famous rapper faces a copyright infringement suit over a song on the album. New York based jazz musician […]

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Mighty Is an iPod Shuffle for Spotify Users. But Is Mighty Paying Royalties?

Mighty is a crafty solution for listening to Spotify without a phone.  But is Mighty skipping out on artist royalties? It’s a hot idea with impeccable timing.  And it’s a beautifully simple concept.  Basically, Mighty is like an iPod shuffle, but for Spotify users.  So instead of jogging to your stored music collection with your […]

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This Year, Not One Grammy Winner Thanked Radio During Their Acceptance Speech

Radio used to make Grammy winners.  Now they don’t even get mentioned.  What’s going on? Is traditional radio dying? That depends on who you ask.  Traditional, ‘terrestrial’ radio has been on death watch for more than a decade.  And many teens and twenty-somethings report listening to zero hours of traditional broadcast. Yet there I am, sitting […]

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Exclusive: Spotify Just Won a Huge Ally In Its Fight Against Music Publishers

Spotify may have an ally in its newfound war against music publishers. Spotify’s decision to battle back against hundreds of millions in mechanical license liabilities isn’t going unnoticed.  In fact, it may be drawing substantial support from streaming rivals.  That now includes one very massive rival, depending on how this shakes out. In confidential conversations […]

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The World’s Largest Music Publishers Just Declared War on Spotify — In No Uncertain Terms

Nobody said becoming a Wall Street billionaire would be easy.  Now, the largest music publishers in the world are preparing for a major fight against Spotify. Last week, Spotify’s attorneys decided that the reproductive ‘mechanical’ license doesn’t apply to streaming services.  But that’s definitely the wrong answer for major music publishers. + Surprise! Spotify Says They […]

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Whoops: Spotify Executive Says That ‘Mechanical’ Licenses Should be Paid — In a Federal Filing

Goldman Sachs is about to go Greek on a certain Spotify head of licensing and business affairs. Did Spotify just f—k up their entire IPO?  That might be going too far, but this seriously complicates things. Unfortunately, the streaming giant just handed opposing attorneys a bombshell contradiction — in the form of a federal filing.  And […]

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Surprise! Spotify Says They Don’t Owe Anything for ‘Mechanicals

Looks like Spotify has a totally different game plan for dealing with pesky publishers and songwriters.  So you can take your ‘mechanical’ license and… If you’re just tuning into this imbroglio, then welcome to the juiciest part.  Just this morning, Spotify’s lawyers have decided that the ‘mechanical’ publishing license doesn’t pertain to them.  Which means […]

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Welcome to the ‘Royalty Black Box,’ the Music Industry’s $2.5 Billion Underground Economy

It’s an entire underground economy that nobody likes to talk about.  Especially the people making billions off of it. Delve into the music industry’s sordid past, and you’ll find tawdry details of mobbed-up labels and Soprano-style venues.  Indeed, crooners like Frank Sinatra were notoriously implicated with organized crime.  But the way he explains it, there […]

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Imagine a Single, Unified Licensing Database for Every Song In the World

Congress wants to ensure all artists get paid, every time, by every streaming platform.  And they want to do it by creating a single, unified licensing database. If you’re an executive at Spotify, you might be experiencing a prolonged, extreme migraine headache.  And the reason is that music data, ownership records, and a gaggle of […]

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