Amazon bought 1,000 self-driving trucks from a startup, will you say goodbye to drivers?

Jeff Bezos’ company agreed to purchase a fleet of trucks with autonomous driving, which could mean that in the future Amazon will dispense with drivers for its deliveries.

Amazon presented its ‘meditation cabin’ for stressed employees and in networks they respond with hate and memes

The intention was to counter criticism for allegations of mistreatment of employees, but the ‘meditation booth’ unleashed the fury of Internet users.

Paying on Amazon with the palm of your hand is already an option, this is how this biometric technology works

Without cash, without a card, without transfers and even without a cell phone, the Amazon One system reads your hand so you can pay for your purchases, see how it works.

With 206 projects, Jeff Bezos’ Amazon is already the world’s largest renewable energy buyer

As part of its commitment to be zero carbon emissions by 2040, Amazon announced new renewable and clean energy projects in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Spain and Sweden.